We are your reliable technology partner.


Transforming your legacy applications to become more agile and efficient

Application Modernization

Simpler, faster, better

Our modernization specialists help IT leaders strip out unnecessary operating costs—reducing capital spending and freeing staff—for new strategic and revenue-generating initiatives in the cloud. We make legacy systems more agile and efficient through the use of intelligent automation, industrialized assets, specialized skills and global delivery capabilities.


Why Choose SBS for Application modernization?

Application assessment

Provides an accurate understanding of your legacy systems, enabling us to develop the business case around renewing existing applications.

Business rules mining

Extracts business requirements from software applications and recasts them in natural or formal language for forward engineering.

Remediation services

Enhances your applications’ functionality, which makes them easier to maintain and part of a highly-scalable framework.

We make legacy systems more agile and efficient through the use of intelligent automation, industrialized assets, specialized skills and global delivery capabilities.

SBS: Delivering a better app experience

Re-platform services

Enhances your applications to run on newer, less expensive and more efficient cloud-based technology platforms.

Migration services

Migrates your applications to a standards-based environment while minimizing disruption to the business – using best techniques.

24×7 Support

We’ll provide monitoring and operational support for your cloud with prompt issue resolution

Remediation services

Enhances your applications’ functionality, which makes them easier to maintain and part of a highly-scalable framework.

Business rules mining

Extracts business requirements from software applications and recasts them in natural or formal language for forward engineering.

Application assessment

Provides an accurate understanding of your legacy systems, enabling us to develop the business case around renewing existing applications.

Got a question about app modernization ?

Please email us at info@sahlbusinesssolutions.com or fill in the form at Contact Us