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Get Essential 15 G SUITE FEATURES for your business!


Essential of 15 G SUITE FEATURES for your business!

Google G Package is a suite of communication and collaboration solutions that may help your organization grow.

It is the sole service you require to get the way and optimize the way you operate with everyone in your business interacting and collaborating on critical tasks and projects.

This post will go through 15 of its most essential characteristics.

Knowing this is useful, especially if you’re unclear whether adopting G Suite is the correct step for your company, or if you want to see how it compares to competitors such as Microsoft’s Office365.

That being stated, let’s take a look at G Suite’s top 15 features.

Let’s get started.

1. Professional email addresses for every user

Did you know that 72% of customers prefer to contact businesses via email?

This is most likely something you and other employees in your company are currently doing. You actively utilize email to communicate with clients, vendors, vendors, consumers, and others.

As a result, the email address that you and your staff use is critical.

The key feature of G Suite is the ability to provide yourself and any employee with a “professional” email account. The following is the distinction between an ordinary email address and a professional email address:

A standard email address is followed by @gmail.com or @yahoo.com. A professional email address begins with @yourcompanyname.com.

Your personal email address, for example, may be sean554@gmail.com. However, your professional email account (which you may create in G Suite) provides you with email addresses such as sean@bostonicecream.com or support@bostonicecream.com.

The following are the benefits of using a professional email address supplied by G Suite:

  • You advertise your company name: the professional email Address that you and your workers use ends in “@yourcompanyname.com”, not “@gmail.com” or “@outlook.com”.
  • Customers regard you with respect: Customers will take your email more seriously if they perceive that you have a proper website and domain name (as shown by your email address).
  • Email marketing made easy: You may send emails without worrying about them ending up in spam folders if you have a professional email account.

2. Google applications for business that function together

G Suite includes high-quality Google apps that you are probably already familiar with.

Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar, and other services are available, for example, at.

What you may not realize is that the G Suite version of these applications is more sophisticated and contains enterprise-class capabilities that are not accessible in the free versions of the same Google apps that most Google apps utilize. The people.

As an example, consider Google Calendar.

The free edition includes a calendar where you may schedule essential meetings, record key events, and much more.

However, with the G Suite version, you get numerous calendars rather than one, each with its own members, schedules, meetings, and so on.

This feature, i.e. several calendars, is especially beneficial if your organization has multiple divisions or branches, each of which need a distinct calendar to organize their day.

Similarly, with the free version of Gmail, you only receive a conventional ‘@gmail.com’ email address, no group emails, and an ad-filled inbox.

The G Suite version of Gmail, on the other hand, includes professional email accounts, group emails, and an ad-free inbox.

3. Each user has double cloud storage.

G Suite stores everything you do in the cloud. This includes the following:

  • Google Drive files.
  • Gmail emails and draughts.
  • Conversations in Google Groups and Hangouts Chat.

And, as a businessperson, you’re continuously producing new files, sending new emails, and having new interactions. And that may quickly deplete storage space…

… only if you utilize the free version of Google Apps, which only provides 15 GB of storage capacity per user.

But what about in G Suite?

Their basic subscription, which starts at $6 per user, provides you double the cloud storage capacity, or 30GB per user. In addition, if you join up for the more powerful Business or Enterprise subscriptions, you’ll get a huge 1 TB (1,000 GB) of storage per user.

Creating and storing “sheets” or “presentations” takes up no space, which is an extra plus!

4. Comprehensive cloud search that works across apps

Every employee in your company communicates with a wide range of individuals.

Emails, conversations, papers, and other files are often shared. As a result, manually finding the proper files, chats, and persons might be tough.

This is where Google Cloud Search enters the picture.

This feature enables you and anybody else with a G Suite account to rapidly locate relevant information across all of your applications.

As an administrator, you may search any information in your account and in the G Suite accounts of your users.

In contrast, your users may only search for information to which they have access privileges.

5. A marketplace to help you find thousands of apps that work with G Suite.

The G Suite Marketplace is the coolest feature of G Suite that distinguishes it from the competitors.This is a true app shop with thousands upon thousands of apps that link with G Suite.

There are several uses. Accounting applications, CRM apps, education apps, and more are available!

You may, for example, integrate full-fledged programmes like as Slack, Freshbooks, and Survey Monkey. Alternatively, you may incorporate plugins such as Google Translate, Zoom for Google Calendar, and others

Overall, the marketplace is vast, including apps for several G Suite products such as, but not limited to, Google Drive, Docs, and Gmail.

Sections beginning with “Works with…” may be found in the G Suite Marketplace.

These sections contain “plugins” that may connect to and enhance the functionality of your G Suite apps.

For example, in the “Works with Google Drive” area, you’ll discover plugins that let you increase Google Drive’s capabilities. The MindMup 2 Google Drive plugin, for example, may enable you to generate mind maps directly from Google Drive.

Gmail, Google Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms all have similar plugins.

6. User account management that is adaptable

In your G Suite account, you may add as many users as you like. Furthermore, each user can have their own email address.

You may pick which Google applications that user has in their G Suite account whenever you establish a user account in your G Suite admin panel.

You may also add numerous users to a group and manage them at the group level.

You may grant them permission to share files and send messages solely with members of that group or with the groups and individuals you choose.

You can also watch each user’s activity (inside the G Suite account you establish) to see what emails they’ve sent or received, what chats they’re having, what files they generate and engage with, and other information.

7. Data management using Google Vault

You and your staff will discuss sensitive information and work with sensitive files and folders. And over time, all of this sensitive information accumulates in your G Suite account.

So you want to keep that data secure and make sure it’s handled smoothly and efficiently whenever you need it to solve a critical business or legal issue.

This is where Google Vault can assist you.

  • Google Vault can be used to:
  • Keep data for a set amount of time.
  • Save data in a way that it cannot be unintentionally destroyed, even by you.
  • Files, emails (including those in non-E-Mail desired, trash, and draughts), and chats may all be searched and exported.

Google Vault in G Suite is available in the G Suite Business and Enterprise versions, and it is an excellent solution for managing your company’s data.

8. Add more services to your G Suite account.

Your G Suite account comes with a restricted range of applications by default, especially if you’re on the Basic subscription.

However, there may be instances when you desire more applications and services without having to pay up for a completely new plan. Fortunately, this is simple with G Suite.

Simply go to your admin panel and browse to the Add New Services tab.

You may select from a wide range of applications and services (both paid and free) and effortlessly add them to your account.

You can obtain services such as:

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool.

  • Vault by Google.
  • Cloud Search is a service provided by Google.
  • Storage in Google Drive.
  • Blogger. YouTube

… and many more.

These services can be enabled for an unlimited number of users.

9. Ad-free, responsive, offline mobile apps

The most significant benefit of utilizing G Suite is that practically all of the applications you use in the browser on your desktop/laptop also operate on mobile.

It makes no difference what phone you have. There are high-quality, highly clean, and well-designed G Suite mobile applications for both iPhone and Android smartphones.

You also have the advantage of being able to run tasks remotely. work regardless of where you are or what computer you are using.

Furthermore, you do not need to install any software on your computer to use any of the services. All software is available online, particularly Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

If you don’t already have a computer, you can easily upgrade to a tablet. And if you just have one phone, you can quickly install the necessary applications (including the G Suite admin) and start to work.

Did we also mention that all G Suite applications are ad-supported? free?

10. A security dashboard that displays the level of security in your G Suite environment.

Your G Suite environment will grow over time to incorporate additional users, emails, and files. As a result, you’ll want to know how secure your users and G Suite data are.

G Suite customers may access a security dashboard for this purpose.

You can monitor your whole G Suite account and keep an eye out for any security compromises via your security dashboard. The advantage of this is that you will know which portions of your G Suite account are vulnerable and require greater protection.

Here are some samples of reports generated by G Suite’s Security Dashboard:

  • How many spam messages, malware, and phishing emails were sent to G Suite subscribers.
  • The number of unsuccessful passwords tries for a certain account.
  • How many actions are carried out using hacked devices, such as a jailbroken iPhone or a rooted Android… and much more.

Overall, the Security Dashboard has 10+ reports with occurrences that may be sorted by days, weeks, and months.

When security issues are discovered, you may take action from the dashboard. You may, for example, eliminate spam messages, disable file sharing, and enable 2FA (2-Factor Authentication) for your users.

11. The ability to assign users to various roles

If maintaining your G Suite environment consumes too much of your time, you may outsource particular G Suite responsibilities to trusted coworkers.

A user’s role can be assigned in two ways:

  • Predefined roles: Some roles are already accessible in the admin panel and may be assigned.
  • Custom Roles: You may build custom roles for users to provide them access to the functionality they require.

You may offer a user complete authority over your G Suite environment by assigning them the Super Admin position.

You may provide a user the Group Admin role if you want to give them responsibility over a certain organization or group.Other roles, such as user admin, service admin, mobile admin, and so on, are also accessible by default. This enables you to safely assign administrative responsibilities to your staff while denying them access to your G Suite accounts.

You can also provide a user specific permissions if they need a role that isn’t predefined.

Custom Permissions enable you to provide particular permissions to users while preventing them from performing others.You can, for example, provide a user the ability to search and export data to Google Vault while restricting their ability to archive data or read audit reports.

When it comes to assigning users to roles, G Suite provides this degree of freedom.

12. Accessibility for business users (show what Google employees do with your data)

There is no better tool for tracking user activity than Google G Suite. You can find out who is writing which emails, what files they are distributing, and what settings they are updating with only a few clicks.

But did you realize that as a corporate user, you may also track what activity is taking place? What do Google workers get from your information?

That’s correct.

You can see this in your logs regardless of what Google does with your data.

The whole information you will receive is as follows:

Information about the action taken.

Details about the action taken and when it was taken.

The motivation behind the activity.Information about who performed the dependent action, such as their location, etc.

If you are concerned about a Google employee’s action, you can contact Google Support and seek further information about why the action was done.

However, the most likely cause for a Google employee action is that the request was made by you or one of your users with the relevant rights.

13. Detection of spam, malware, and phishing

You and your workers are constantly sending and receiving files and emails via G Suite.

The issue is that not all files and emails are secure. Some emails include spam, viruses, or are intended to facilitate phishing.

This is dangerous because you might expose vital information to hostile third parties.

G Suite utilizes a powerful machine learning-based scanner to locate and detect harmful files, emails, and attachments to avoid this.

Google suggests the following:

  • Detect spam messages with a 99.99% success rate.
  • Scan all emails for viruses and block files with harmful extensions such as.BAT,.CMD,.EXE,.MSC,.MSI, and others.
  • It can detect new phishing sites using powerful machine learning algorithms that search for common warning signals seen in most phishing sites.

And because everything is stored (and executed) in the cloud, you can be confident that your computer, phone, or any other device on which you use G Suite is virus-free.

14 Select a location for G Suite data storage.

You may pick where your G Suite data is kept, which is a frequently underutilized feature of G Suite.

This is especially handy when corporate policy, state laws, or other requirements prohibit you from keeping your own or your workers’ data in specific areas.

Apps whose data you wish to save in different areas include:

  • Calendar
  • Drive
  • Forms
  • Gmail
  • Documents, Sheets and Slides
  • Hangouts Chat
  • New Sites
  • Forms

You can either choose for your data to be stored in the U.S., across Europe or globally. 

Furthermore, when you transfer data locations, your data stays accessible with no downtime.

15. Prevent private information from slipping out in Gmail and Drive.

Your firm is capable of handling sensitive consumer information.

If you own an online business, for example, you gather credit card information from your consumers. Alternatively, if you own a travel agency, you may have a list of your clients’ passport numbers.

As a result, you should keep this information private.

And Google The Der DLP feature (Data Leak Protection) in G Suite accomplishes precisely that.

Examines data shared by a user in Gmail or Google Drive to see whether it includes sensitive information such as credit card numbers or phone numbers. Lock the sharing with your social security number.

This adds an extra degree of security, especially against fraudulent workers who have gotten access.

There are approximately 90 built-in preset information detectors in total that you may employ to prevent the leakage of private information. You may, however, establish custom listeners if you have additional information that you no longer wish to disclose.


We hope that these features shed some insight on what Google’s G Suite is capable of.G Suite, in our humble view, offers it all, whether it’s the fantastic marketplace or the smart data prevention tool.